Design of Structure and Flow in the Earth Laboratory
Ito/Suzuki Lab, Creative Flow Research Division, Institute of Fluid Science, TOHOKU UNIVERSITY

CO2 capture and Storage
Geothermal system
Nuclear Waste Repository

Dec 14, 2021 PUBLICATIONS, Anna's CV and BLOG were updated.
Nov 10, 2021 PUBLICATIONS, Anna's CV and BLOG were updated.
Nov 1, 2021 Anna has been promoted to associate professor.
Sep 2, 2021 PUBLICATIONS, Anna's CV and BLOG were updated.
Jul 20, 2021 PUBLICATIONS, Anna'sCV and MEMBER were updated.
May 31, 2021 BLOG was updated.
Apr 19, 2021 BLOG was updated.
Apr 12, 2021 Anna's CV and RESEARCH were updated.
Apr 6, 2021 RESEARCH, PRESENTATIONS and BLOG were updated.
Apr 1, 2021 MEMBER and BLOG were updated. (BLOG title "Elvar's New Year Trip" in English)
Feb 18, 2021 Anna's CV, PUBLICATIONS and BLOG were updated.
Sep 7, 2017 Website opened.
Nov 2016 DeSFE Lab started.
Hello! It's Design of Structure and Flow in the Earth Lab!
The goal of our research is to build systems in which humans can live with nature sustainably. Subsurface rock formations play an important role in the energy system as a supply of geothermal energy, and as a disposal site for CO2 and radioactive waste. On the other hand, the rock structure is complex, and the utilization of subsurface resources should be designed in harmony with the natural fluid flow and stress conditions in the subsurface. In our research, we aim to design sustainable energy systems in harmony with the environment by understanding the natural "structure" and "flow". In addition, we have been exploring how new science and technology can be utilized in society and what an environmentally harmonious society may look like. In this respect, our research considers the exchange of people’s ideas and opinions on energy systems, energy production and energy use.
complex system, natural law, fracture structure, reservoir, natural energy, transport phenomena, heterogeneous media, anomalous diffusion, random walk, fractal, multiscale, inverse problem, design of crust, topology, homology, topology analysis, pattern recognition, tracer analysis, temperature evaluation, resistivity analysis, geothermal reinjection, sustainable system, geothermal energy, carbon capture and strage, nuclear waste repository, methane hydrate, fuel cell, flow in bone
We try to explore new descriptions to capture relationship between flow and complex structures of rocks and other materials by using topological data analysis. 3D printed models are used for flow experiment to help make a bridge between real phenomena and modeling. In addition, we develop a numerical simulator to capture new fracturing method using supercritical fluids.
For sustainable developments, we are developing simple methods for estimating subsurface structures based tracer tests. The goal is to make recommendations for optimal design in geo-energy systems.

We propose new lifestyles for staying in hot-spring areas and prepare opportunities for people to change their consciousness and behavior toward the co-creation of resource utilization processes.

[Presentation for general]
Tohoku University Gender Equality Seminar at Sendai AER (May 25, 2017)
"The sky of Stanford Silicon Valley was blue."
It is a message to whom I am interested in studying why I started studying by experiencing overseas based on the experiences of staying at Stanford University,
[Presentation for general]
Academic talk (Acatalk) at Marche bar YOICHI (Sep 6, 2017)
"Dream is world peace. Domestic Geothermal Energy Development"
Now, 90% of Japan's energy is made with imported resources. I study daily domestically produced energy "geothermal energy" to be a savior of Japan and the world. It is research to think about whether the underground hot spring (hot water that is hotter than usual) flows or whether it is a sustainable design. I introduced my research to administrative staff, students.
[Presentation for column]
Tohoku University Gender Equality Promotion Center Web Site (Aug 7, 2017)
"I do not feel confident."
It is a message for young people who can not take a step as quickly as they are myself far from honor students. As a university teacher, I want to change to Japan that I can challenge many times without fear of failure, starting from a university, while staying close to a student who has anxiety.
[Presentation for reseachers]
Stanford Geothermal Workshop
at Stanford University (Feb 13, 2017)
"Potential Utilizations of 3D Printed Fracture Network Model"
Using a 3D printer, we created tearable rocks that can control the structure. It showed high creation accuracy by micro CT scan. We examined the validity of numerical simulation by comparing numerical simulation results with the same structure as the flow experiment results in the created 3D rock model.

[Presentation for reseachers]
GRC Annual Meeting at Salt Lake City (Oct 3, 2017)
"Estimation of Fracture Surface Area based on Tracer and Temperature Histories"
The content is that we estimate the underground structure easily from tracer data and temperature history data on EGS that actively reduces water to the underground, and design future conditions and reduction conditions, even if date is limited in the initial stage of geothermal development.
[Presentation for reseachers]
GeoScience &GeoEnergy Webinars
at YouTube (Apr 1, 2021)
"Fracture networks and community networks for co-creation of geothermal resources utilization"
I introduced the networks of fracture and people's opinions.