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"Fracturing of granite rock with supercritical water for superhot geothermal resources"

Liu, B., Suzuki, A., Watanabe, N., Ishibashi, T., Sakaguchi, K., Ito, T.

Renewable Energy, 184 (2022) 56-67.

"On the maximum principle for the multi-term fractional transport equation"

Luchko, Y., Suzuki, A., Yamamoto, M.

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 505, 1 (2022), 125579.​


"Numerical analysis of gas production from large-scale methane hydrate sediments with fractures"

Feng, Y., Chen, L., Kanda, Y., Suzuki, A., Komiya, A., Maruyama, S.

Energy, 236 (2021) 121485.

"Flow estimation solely from image data through persistent homology analysis"

Suzuki, A., Miyazawa, M., Minto, M. J., Tsuji, T., Obayashi, I., Hiraoka, Y., Ito, T.

Scientific Reports11 (2021) 17948.


"Bayesian and neural network approaches to estimate deep temperature distribution for assessing a supercritical geothermal system: Evaluation using a numerical model"

Ishitsuka, K., Kobayashi, Y., Watanabe, N., Yamaya, Y., Bjarkason, E., Suzuki, A., Mogi, T., Asanuma, H., Kajiwara, T., Sugimoto, T., Saito, R.

Natural Resources Research, 30 (2021) 3289-3314.

"Machine learning for input parameter estimation in geothermal reservoir modeling"

Suzuki, A., Konno, M., Watanabe, K., Inoue, K., Onodera, S., Ishizaki, J., Hashida, T.

World Geothermal Congress 2020+1, Online, May 12, 2021.

"New Waku-Waku lifestyle in hot springs to connect gaps between urban and rural areas"

Suzuki, A., Bahr, K.

World Geothermal Congress 2020+1, Online, April 13, 2021.

"Size dependence of nano-/microparticles flowing through fracture structures"

Suzuki, A., Cui, J., Uehara, S., Ito, T.

46th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Online, February 16-18, 2021.​


"Inferring fracture forming processes by characterizing fracture network patterns with persistent homology"

Suzuki, A., Miyazawa, M., Okamoto, A., Shimizu, H., Obayashi, I., Hiraoka, Y., Tsuji, T., Kang, P. K. , Ito, T.

Computers and Geosciences143 (2020) 104550.

“Numerical analysis of different fracturing mechanisms supercritical CO2 and water-based fracturing fluids”

Liu, B., Suzuki, A., Ito, T.

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 132 (2020) 104385.

"Experimental study on nano-/microparticles transport to characterize structures in fractured porous media"

Suzuki, A., Cui, J., Zhang, Y., Uehara, S., Li, K., Horne, R. N., Ito, T.

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 10 (2020) 4357-4365.

"Estimating the seepage effect of SC-CO2 and water fracturing with a steady-state flow model: Consider capillary and viscous forces in pore scale"

Liu, B., Suzuki, A., Ito, T.

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering184 (2020) 106483.


"Estimations of heat transfer area using tracer and temperature data in geothermal fields"

Suzuki, A., Ikhwanda, F., Yamaguchi, A., Hashida, T.

Geosciences9, 10 (2019) 425.

“Estimation of "Structure" and "Flow" for geological development”

Suzuki, A.

Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics38, 1 (2019) 21-25.

"Numerical analysis of gas production from reservoir-scale methane hydrate by depressurization with a horizontal well: The effect of permeability anisotropy"

Feng, Y., Chen, L., Suzuki, A., Kogawa, T., Okajima, J., Komiya, A., Maruyama, S.

Marine and Petroleum Geology102 (2019) 817-828.

"Enhancement of gas production from methane hydrate reservoirs by the combination of hydraulic fracturing and depressurization method"

Feng, Y., Chen, L., Suzuki, A., Kogawa, T., Okajima, J., Komiya, A., Maruyama, S.

Energy Conversion and Management184 (2019) 194-204.

“Numerical analysis of gas production from layered methane hydrate reservoirs by depressurization”

Feng, Y., Chen, L., Suzuki, A., ​Kogawa, T., Okajima, J., Komiya, A., Maruyama, S.

Energy166, (2019) 1106-1119.

“Contribution of 3D printed fracture networks to development of flow and transport models”

Suzuki, A., Minto, J. M., Watanabe, N., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

Transport in Porous Media, 129 (2019) 485-500.


“Mathematical modeling of rock pore geometry and mineralization: Applications of persistent homology and random walk”

Tsuji, T., Jiang, F., Suzuki, A., Shirai, T.

FMfI2016, 28 (2018) 95-109.

“Nano-/microparticle tracers for evaluating structures in fractured porous media”

Suzuki, A., Cui, J., Zhang, Y., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018.

“Development of numerical methods for estimating fluid flow path in fractured geothermal reservoir”

Ikhwanda, F., Suzuki, A., Hashida, T.

43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018.

"Mathematical modeling of non-fickian diffusional mass exchange of radioactive contaminants in geological disposal formations"

Suzuki, A., Fomin, S., Chugunov, V., Hashida, T.

Water, 10, 2 (2018) 123.


“Fracture network created by 3-D printer and its validation using CT images”

Suzuki, A., Watanabe, N., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

Water Resour. Res., 53, 7 (2017) 6330-6339.


“Use of tracers and temperature to estimate fracture surface area for EGS reservoirs”

Shook, G. M., Suzuki, A.

Geothermics, 67 (2017) 40-47.

“Estimation of fracture surface area based on tracer and temperature histories”

Suzuki, A.

GRC Trans., 41 (2017) 2865-2879.


“Experimental analysis for the anisotropic flows in cancellous bone”

Ito, M., Simon, T., Anzai, H., Suzuki, A., Ohta, M.

IMECE 2017 (2017) V003T04A006.

“Application of 3D printer to create fracture networks"

Suzuki, A., Hashida, T. Li, K., Horne, R.

6th Annual Conference for the Development and Utilization of Deep Geothermal Energy, Beijing, China, March 26-29, 2017.


“Potential utilizations of 3D printed fracture network model”

Suzuki, A., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-15, 2017.


“Experimental tests of truncated diffusion in fault damage zones”

Suzuki, A., Hashida, T., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

Water Resour. Res., 52, 11 (2016) 8578–8589.


“Fractional diffusion modeling of heat transfer in porous and fractured media”

Suzuki, A., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Niibori, Y., Hashida, T.

International Journal of Heat and mass Transfer, 103 (2016) 611-618.

“Mathematical modeling of the anomalous transport of radioactive materials in a porous medium”

Fomin, S., Chugunov, V., Suzuki, A., Hashida, T.

12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Costa de Sol, Spain, July 11-13, 2016.


“Fractional dynamics in fault structures”

Suzuki, A., Hashida, T., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016.

“Characterization of 3D printed fracture networks”

Suzuki, A., Sawasdee, S., Makita, H., Hashida, T., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 22-24, 2016.


“Characterization of tracer responses in fractured geothermal reservoirs based on fractional derivative mathematical model for estimation of fracture distribution in geothermal reservoirs”

Makita, H., Suzuki, A., Iwagaki, T., Niibori, Y., Hashida, T.

Journal of MMIJ, 131 (2015) 1-8.


“Prediction of reinjection effects in fault-related subsidiary structures by using fractional derivative-based mathematical models

  for sustainable design of geothermal reservoirs”

Suzuki, A., Niibori, Y., Fomin, S., Chugunov, V., Hashida, T.

Geothermics, 57 (2015) 196-204.


“Characterization of mass/heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs by means of mathematical model for complex systems”

Suzuki, A., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April, 2015

 “Fractional derivative-based tracer analysis method for the characterization of mass transport in fractured geothermal reservoirs”

Suzuki, A., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

Geothermics, 53 (2015) 125-132.

“Anomalous solute and heat diffusion in fault structures”

Suzuki, A., Hashida, T., Li, K., Horne, R. N.

40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 26-28, 2015.

“Analysis of water injection in fractured reservoirs using a fractional-derivative-based mass and heat transfer model”

Suzuki, A., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

Math Geosci, 47 (2015) 31–49.


“Characterization of mass/heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs using mathematical model of complex dynamical system”

Suzuki, A., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

39th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014.


Modeling mass and heat transfer in geothermal reservoirs using fractional differential equations"

Suzuki, A., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

10th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, November 25-27, 2013.

"A study of prediction of tracer response at different inter-well distances using fractional advection-dispersion equation”

Suzuki, A., Makita, H., Niibori, Y., Hashida, T.

J. Geotherm. Res. Soc. Japan, 35, 4, (2013) 149-161.

“Development of fractional derivative-based mass and heat transport model”

Suzuki, A., Horne, R. N., Makita, H., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013.


“Characterization of tracer responses using fractional derivative-based mathematical model and its application to prediction of mass transport in fractured reservoirs”

Suzuki, A., Makita, H., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

GRC Trans., 36 (2012) 1391-1396.


“Characterizing non-fickian transport in fractured rock masses using fractional derivative-based mathematical model”

Suzuki, A., Chiba, R., Okaze, T., Niibori, Y., Formin, S. A., Chugunov, V. A., Hashida, T.

GRC Trans., 34 (2010) 1179-1184.

“Development of fractional derivative-based mass transport model for evaluation of complex crustal fluid flow”

Suzuki, A., Chiba, R., Okaze, T., Hashida, T.

Int. Symposium on Renewable Energy and Economic Competitiveness, Praia, Cape Verde, 2010.

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