Relationship between Complex Structures and Flow
To capture the complex structure of rocks and other materials, we quantitatively extract important structural information related to flow using topological data analysis. In addition, by using 3D printers and microfabrication techniques, we create accurate structural models, which have controlled and known structures. The 3D models are designed to improve our understanding of fluid flow processes through a combination of lab experimentation and numerical simulation, enabling us to find new relationships between "structure" and "flow". In addition, we are developing numerical simulation methods for describing development of new reservoirs using supercritical fluids and for understanding mechanisms controlling fracture formation under supercritical temperature conditions.
Quantification of structures by persistent homology analysis
Collaborators: Goto (Ito Lab), Obayashi (Okayama Univ.), Hiraoka (Kyoto Univ.)
Persistent homology is a topological data analysis method for disordered systems that can handle hole size, shape, and hierarchical structure.
In this research, we aim to propose a new rock structure evaluation method by applying persistent homology to rock crack structures.
Suzuki et al (2020), Comput. Geosci.

Structure-controlled flow experiment using a 3D printer model
Collaborators: Minto (Heriot-Watt), Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.), Horne (Stanford)
We design the crack network and perform simulation analysis.
In addition, a test piece is prepared with a 3D printer, a flow experiment is actually performed, and the result is compared with the simulation result.
Suzuki et al. (2019), Transp. Porous Med.
Suzuki (2019), J. Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics Nagare

Designed fracture networks

Direct flow simulation

Flow experiment using a 3D printed model
Development of flow-crash coupled model
Collaborator: Liu (Suzuki Lab)
IIn resource development, it has been proposed to introduce a new type of crushing method using supercritical geothermal water or CO2.
In this research, we will develop a numerical calculation code that can express crushing by a supercritical fluid and examine its effectiveness.
Liu et al. (2020), J. Petrol. Sci. Eng.